Hello Everybody! How are you all doing?

Today I wan’t to talk about my class artworks. For some of you who don’t know. Besides posting my regular drawings, I also show you art projects that I’ve done during my University days. I still have a few more to show.
This class project was when I started to take Interior Design classes. The project was that I had to draw a house plan. They gave it to me as a word problem.
It was like this:
This woman “Sofia Kirshner”, she was an interior designer. She had a terrain of 220′ ft x 310′ ft. It was on the north coast with a coastal view from a cliff. This lady wanted to have a spacious kitchen and living space for parties and gathering. She wanted extra rooms for guests to stay over. A place where she could use her computer and work online. She needed to have a private bathroom. Also she was on a wheel chair. (This woman was fictional for the sake of the project.) Maybe, I am not so sure anymore.
The project’s aim sounded like someone’s dream home. They added the wheel chair bit to make the design more challenging. The fact that we are designing for another interior designer makes it sound like our client will be very demanding. That she would professionally inspect that all her requests were made.
After creating the house plan, we had to build a scaled model. I spent so much time making my floor plan that I didn’t have enough for making the model. I still did it anyways. I even woke up early the next day to finish it. But it still wasn’t enough. I am very proud of the floor plan I made. But the model ended up as an incomplete disaster. I do not wan’t to think about, I don’t want to show it either.
So in my floor plan I gave the woman a very spacious room. The moment she walks into the house and straight through the living room towards the back where the terrace is. It is a open floor concept. On her right she has the kitchen. Then on her left there are the two guest rooms. Between the guest rooms there is the guest bathroom. On the top left corner, past the living room, there is the master suite. She has her private bathroom, a desk to use her computer and a sliding glass door to watch the ocean view. The wall towards the terrace, is full of foldable doors. She folds them all open and the terrace and living space becomes one larger area. And the northern winds can enter the house refreshing the place.
For her wheelchair, I made everything much lower so it could be more accessible. Her private bathroom is large enough for her to roll in. I did the same in her bedroom. Space on both sides of the bed. One of the sides is for her to roll in next to the bed and hop on. It didn’t specified if she had a partner of not. But I gave her a queen sized bed, just in case. The walk way towards the front door is made as a ramp, just for her. And in the kitchen I added a low refrigerator. There are refrigerators made in counter top height. So I added one so she could reach the fridge and the freezer as well.
I worked so hard for this design. It took me weeks to make the perfect one. I had different versions, and the professor would test it and check for errors. I did so many changes until this one made the cut. To be honest I don’t remember what grade I got. The only thing I remember was that I had to present it in front of a crowd of interior design students and teachers. But they didn’t made my finals easy, I had at the same time other classes to finish on. I think that was the first time I realized what feeling stressed meant and felt like. After everything was over, a huge wight was lifted off my shoulders.
And there you have it another class artwork. I did liked interior design. To bad I found out too late. From all the professions out there, I could have seen myself being an interior designer. I even had future plans with it, but it wasn’t meant to be. Now I have a new passion, and it is all about writing, traveling and making art. But I do wish someday to design my own home. I even kept the floor plans. I liked my design so much, I could turn it into my dream home.
Do not forget to give me visit at my new website The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active. Never forget to add me at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and on Pinterest. Well I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!
See you all later, take care and Happy Holidays,
from Ijiserure.