Hello Everybody! How are you all doing today?

Welcome to my new post!
Today I am posting my third German Language List. It took me a while to make this list. I have to verify that all phrases and words were translated correctly. Some of them were easy to understand and straightforward. And others have different ways on how to express it in a sentence. That is what made this process even harder. But I do want to test out these in the real world someday. I hope to be able to communicate well.
So here are phrases and words translated from English to German:
- Spoon: Löffel
- Knife: Messer
- Glass: Glass
- Straw: Trinkhalm
- Cup: Tasse
- Another one, please!: Noch eine bitte
- Where is the restroom/ bathroom?: Wo ist die Toilette?
- Men: Männer
- Women: Frauen
- Can I have a receipt, please?: Könnte ich bitte eine Quittung haben?
- Where?: Wo
- There?: Da
- Excuse me, where is…?: Entschuldigen Sie, wo ist…?
- In what direction is…?: In welche Richtung ist…?
- Is it near/ far away?: Ist es nah/ fern?
- Where is the entrance/ exit?: Wo ist der eingang / ausgang?
- Please, take me to this address: Bitte bringen Sie mich zu dieser Adresse.
- To the city center, please: In die Innenstadt bitte.
- To the train/bus station, please: Zum Bahnhof / Busbahnhof bitte.
- To the airport/ docks, please: To the airport/ docks, please.
- It’s there/ It’s here: Es ist da / Es ist hier.
- At the corner: An der Ecke
- Okay: in Ordnung
- To the left/ right: Nach links / rechts
- Straight ahead: Geradeaus
- Upstairs: Nach oben
- Downstairs: Nach unten
- Back: Zurück
- Front: Vorderseite
- Please stop here: Bitte hier anhalten
- North: Norden
- South: Süd
- East: Osten
- West: Westen
- Where is the bus/taxi?: Wo ist der Bus / Taxi?
- Where is the underground train, subway, metro?: Wo ist die U-Bahn?
- How much is the ticket to?: Wie viel kostet das Ticket?
- Does this train go to…?: Fährt dieser Zug nach …?
- To where does this bus go?: Wohin fährt dieser Bus?
- May I have a city map, please?: Darf ich bitte einen Stadtplan haben?
- May I have a map, please?: Darf ich bitte einen Stadtplan haben?
To be honest I almost forgot that I still made these. But I also ruined the whole schedule by posting it in March. It is fine as I can continue onwards with what I’ve planned. There are still a bunch of words to go through. I am a little rusty on my German as I haven’t been practicing in a long while. Now I don’t remember if I’ve practiced French today. I am so sorry for such a short post. There is so much to work on and this is the first thing of my day.
So please wish me good luck and have a nice day.
Do not forget to give me a visit at The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active in. Never forget to add me on Facebook, Twitch, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!
See you all later and take care,
from Ijiserure.