Hello Everybody! How are you all doing today?

Welcome to my new post! Today I am posting the last list of the Italian Travel Language Guide. I am so happy to have this list completed. It took some time and patience to post them all. I was lucky to have the time to translate them all. Now I am planning my new list. So for next year, I will be posting the French Language List.
This is part 6 of my Travel Language Guide:
- Hundred: Cento
- Two hundred: Duocento
- Three hundred: Trecento
- Four hundred: Quattrocento
- Five hundred: Cinquecento
- Thousand: Migliaia/ mille
- Two thousand: Duemila
- Ten thousand: Diecimila
- Hundred thousand: Centomila
- Million: Milioni
- Billion: Miliardi
- Money: Denaro
- Number: Numero
- Red: Rosso
- Blue: Blue
- Yellow: Giallo
- Green: Verde
- Orange: Arancia
- Purple: Viola
- Brown: Marrone
- Gray: Grigio
- Black: Nero
- White: Bianco
- Gold: Oro
- Silver: Argento
- Pink: Rosa
- Turquoise: Turchese
- Indigo: Indaco
- Can you tell me the time?: Mi può dire l’ora?
- Yes: Sì
- No: No
- Maybe: Forse
- At what time does the train leave?: A che ora parte il treno?
- Is this seat vacant/ occupied?: Il posto è vacante/occupato?
- How long will it take to arrive?: Quanto tempo ci vorrà per arrivare?
- Me/I: Io
- You (singular): Tu
- He/ She/It: Lui/Lei
- You (plural): Voi
- They: Loro
- We: Noi
It’s kind of funny that Italian is only spoken in their country anywhere else. I want to learn it even if it isn’t one of the most spoken languages in the world. Then others say that as long you know both Spanish and English you don’t need anything else. But I think they are wrong, the more the merrier. If only I would learn it quicker. My brain isn’t how it use to be.
Even though the list is a helpful tool when traveling to foreign countries. I still think that the best way to learn is to throw yourself into the country and try to survive. That is the only way that you’ll learn the language. If you don’t speak you don’t eat. That would be a very interesting experience. But it will also be terrifying most of the time.
One day these lists will become a challenge for me to translate. How am I going to handle languages like Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, and Greek? And it keeps on going. They have a different alphabet altogether. At this point, you and I will have to learn how to read first. But I am still interested in those languages as well. I can’t ignore them just because they are different. I’ll figure something out when we get there.
So please wish me good luck and I hope you have a nice day!
Do not forget to give me a visit at The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active in. Never forget to add me on Facebook, Twitch, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!
See you all later and take care,
from Ijiserure.