“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
Hello everybody! How are you all been doing?
Today I want to talk about my life. Well it is about what I’ve done during this month. I don’t go out as much. But I did plenty of things. I want to share with you a little bit of my life and the things that I do.
Lets see, how did I start the year? I had my traditional toast of apple cider to start off the year. Now that is a thing I do soon after the clock strikes twelve. To be honest I do it like 30 minutes later cause, I stay out for 10 minutes watching the firework display. Then it takes me more time trying to open a bottle that has a cork in it.
On New Years Day I did went to work. But on the next day on January the 2nd it was my birthday. So I asked to have that day off. I didn’t mind if I had to work or not on that day. My birthday present was a purse and the Swarovsky blue necklace I wanted. Then I went out to eat with two of my work mates. I went to Sizzler, it is a buffet restaurant. It is the best we have. Then I went to the movies, I watched the “Sing”. I liked it, and I don’t go often enough to the movies. I only went 2 times last year.
On the next day I went to take my eldest cat “Temmie” to the vet. I wanted to get an appointment to spay her. The animal shelter was closed for the holidays. So I went home and let her wander around. That is how I lost her. I haven’t seen her since. Now the only cat I have is “CookieDough”, the 5 month old kitten. I still have to neuter him though.
Epiphany Day came by and left in a blink of an eye. As the Holidays were coming to an end the less and less I went out. I even started using a dating app to meet new people. For some reason I can’t find myself to trust random strangers from an app. I continue using it, but I always try to be careful. Lets see, I went out only for university purposes. Once to buy some school supplies and the other time was for paying my classes.
Then classes started. Now I have homework and arts supplies to buy. I can say that these Holidays came and left so damn fast. And each year I feel less and less the joy of the holidays. When do I know that the holidays are over? It happens after the San Sebastian Street Festival. I couldn’t go this year! It is a real hassle to attend as the transportation and parking is very crucial. A lot of people go to that festival, so you can’t cram a lot of people and cars into one Isle. I couldn’t go cause I had to work or classes on those days. I will make sure to go next year. There is a list of things that I’ve moved for “next year” or “next Holidays”.
That’s most of the things that I’ve done, I think. Wait! I did went to eat at Denny’s to celebrate the start of the new semester. I saw a friend from my old University. Oh and this past weekend I went to a meet-up with some local artists. I was with them at a Starbucks drawing and socializing. I would have liked to stay there a bit longer, but I has to work on that day. Remembering to ask that day off when the next meeting shows up.
So there you have it. I’ve told you most of the things that I did during this month. If I didn’t, it is because I can’t remember. For February I want to do more things. There are so many things that I want to do and places that I want to go. I am sick of staying at home all the time. I know that I have everything and the comfort. But I can’t stand it anymore.
Well I have to go now. I have to prepare myself for an important class I have. Remember like and subscribe or leave a comment below. I am also on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest. Be nice to others and have a nice day.
See you all later and take care,
from Ijiserure.