Life Update: December to May 2024

Hello Everybody! How are you all doing today?

Welcome to my blog post! I am back, after a long hiatus I didn’t want to take. But I am finally back. There are a lot of things that I want to talk about. I was so busy that I couldn’t do anything besides focus on it for the past 5 months. Now that everything is all set and done I am ready to write about what I’ve done and where I’ve been. 

December 2023

It all started in December. It was all fine and dandy at first. I was getting it for my Christmas Break. Then I got sick, days after I started my break. I was very ill as I slept a lot, moving around was painful and I didn’t eat. I lost a few pounds but days later I got better again and gained my weight back. I only had one day to do chores before my parents visited for the Holidays. The day after they arrived I showed them a house and they fell in love with it. And now I was stuck with this house-buying process. Yes, you heard me. I was going to buy a house.    

January 2024

Then the new year rolled in. I celebrated Christmas, New Year’s, and my birthday with my parents. I made sure to go out and bond with them as we don’t see each other often. Most of the time we were busy with the house-buying process. And then, my holiday break was over and my parents had to return to their home. I didn’t get to do anything spectacular for the holidays. It came and went like that in a blink of an eye. But most of all I was not mentally prepared for the stressful process of purchasing a house.  

February 2024

I was a fool to believe that I would close on the house by February. Each week I had to handle more paperwork. Every day I always kept an eye on my phone for updates and more instructions. At some point, I was regretting ever saying yes to this. I do not remember anything noteworthy happening. At least I had people to vent to at work. They were noticing how neurotic this whole process was making me. Life was the same as usual the only difference was this new challenge I brought upon myself. 

March 2024

Then it was March. It was insane how many times I had to log into the website. Every day I would check for any house updates before getting an email or phone call from them. The frustration was getting to me. There were moments when I wanted to switch houses to get a more affordable one. We reached a point where my parents wanted to drop out of the sale completely. But we would end up losing our deposit. And I’ve already invested $5000 into this sale. If looks could kill, the calendar would have burned through. They postponed the closing date so many times that I stopped believing when they told me a new date. 

April 2024

April came in and we still didn’t have any idea whether we were near closing on the house or not. I did get some emails congratulating me on moving to the next step. I felt a bit of relief until they sent me another email asking for more documents. Their requests and demands were so stupid and insane. I grew a habit of cursing them out for everything they asked for something ridiculous. Then something unexpected happened. The mortgage loan got approved and we were ready to close on the house. My game plan was ready months ago. I had all prepared on what to do as soon as I got my keys. I was happy that all this was finally over. This month was the most eventful one of them all. I bought a lot of things for the house. I got a fridge, washer and dryer. A motor for my garage, paint for my walls. Then two weeks later I moved in.  

May 2024

Home Sweet Home. I am already living in my new house. Learning my new routine. Getting used to my new route to work. My house might be on the expensive side, but it has all the things I’ve been looking for. A yard to plant my flowers, an office to work on my art projects, and a ton of space in the kitchen. After moving and living in it for a month, I decided that I was ready to celebrate. So I planned a housewarming party. I invited a lot of friends and coworkers to celebrate my new success in life and the end of this painful ordeal. I never thought about doing this party until a coworker suggested the idea to me. In my country, this isn’t a thing we do. But I am living in the US right now, so I’ll do what the Americans do. Have a party where people give me gifts for my new home. The funny thing is, I prepared my gift list since December. And I did it with my mom. 

Now I am moving towards June. My party already happened a few days ago. So you could imagine me, the professional procrastinator, trying to clean and organize the house before the party. Then after that, I have to make my first ever mortgage payment. A week later I will be out for my Summer Break. And days later I am leaving for PR. There is a family reunion I need to attend. The flight tickets were already bought so there is no backing out of it. But I will tell you about it later in my next life post. 

As you can tell my life was only focused on the house. The process of buying a house was a nightmare. I don’t want to do this again. Or at least hope the next time it isn’t as tedious as this was. Now I am getting back on track with the things that I didn’t do for the past 6 months. Many projects that I’ve pushed back. All the creative progress that I’ve postponed. Hoping to make things happen when I get back from my vacation trip.  

So there you have an updated life post. It was better to write all my life happenings this way. Nothing special happened till the end. And I am still trying to get up on my feet after I dropped everything in December. I miss writing. I haven’t written anything in months and I can’t wait to get back to it again. For now, there is a lot of organizing to do. I have to leave the house clean before I leave for my trip.

So please wish me good luck and have a nice day!

Do not forget to give me a visit at The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active in. Never forget to add me on Facebook, TwitchInstagramTumblr, and Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,

from Ijiserure.

Ijiserure Art

Fighting all obstacles towards her dream. Ijiserure is a blogger during the day and artist by night. Using art as a source of happiness in life. A non-stop creator and convicted dreamer. Seeing the world is the best thing humans can do to learn about themselves. Working hard to make others see the world the way she does. The fuel that keeps her going is the goal of wanting to become a Travel Blogger and a build up her own brand. Promoting the arts and traveling in whatever she does. She graduated from University with a degree in Graphic Design. Meanwhile working her way to achieve her second degree in Photography. The type of person that would jump at any hurdles along the way.