Hello Everybody! How are you all doing today?

Welcome to my first 2021 Holiday Post! I can say now that the Holidays have begun. For the past month, I’ve been working so hard to make this the best Christmas I’ve ever had so far. And also because my parents are visiting for the Holidays. I hope that my hard work is all worth it. If only the Holidays stayed around for a little bit longer like back in my home country.
But it has been a long while since I’ve celebrated a true Christmas. Not since 2014 maybe. I do miss the holidays when I was a kid. I am used to the Holidays starting after mid-November and will end after mid-January. Eight events would happen in that span of time, and I was all in for it. It has nothing to do with getting presents, I was just happy with this magical feeling it brought with it. The family has expanded and doesn’t celebrate together like we used to. Everything changes and I have accepted that.
- Go See The Christmas Lights In Downtown: I’ve heard that Downtown San Antonio looks beautiful at night. And I wish to go back and see how it looks during the Holidays. I do plan to go there again. I have to take my parents there, so I hope to have a good time again. This time I will ride the boat tour on the Riverwalk.
- Go See A Light Display: I want to go to see some Christmas lights. I don’t own my own house so I don’t get to decorate as much as I want to. So in exchange I want to see some amazing light displays. And I really don’t feel like decorating even if I had my own house. That is more work than enjoyment. I’ll figure out where can I go see some amazing lights.
- Go To An Amusement Park (Sea World): Back home I used to go to the Amusement Park during the Holidays. One of the reasons was because it was only available during that time of year. So going to the Park was also part a traditions. When I was younger I would go with my parents, but when I got older, I started going with friends. This time I have Sea World not because of the sealife, I am more interested in their Christmas display.
- Holiday Shopping: There is nothing to buy, because I did all my shopping in advance. But I want to stop by the mall anyways and pretent to do so. Go around doing some window shopping and people watching. If I find something that I like I’ll buy it. It is not everyday that I go to the mall. So it is a good oportunity to get things that I need while I am there. All I can say is, that there is always something neat going on during the Holidays.
- Decorate For The Holidays After Thanksgiving: This drove me nuts. I bought a tree and christmas lights. I even went online looking for musical Christmas lights. Because those where the type of lights I had when growning up. Christmas wouldn’t be the same without them. I knew those were not enough to decorate my apartment. So I worked hard to make my own DIY decorations. Now my place looks decently festive. This is the best I can do for this year.
- Do An Advent Calendar: I am hooked on these. Since I bought my first advent calendar in 2018 I been wanting to do another one. If you don’t know what an Advent Calendar is, you count down the day till Christmas. You have a surprize each day, either it be a mini gift or something edible. This year I am doing chocolates. But now I own calendar to refill each year.
- Take A Picture Of Every Mall Christmas Tree: This one sounds a little bit rediculous. I’ve thought about it years ago, but I’ve never tried it. And I think I don’t have the time or energy to fullfil this. It doesn’t have to be inside a mall. My idea is to colect as many Christmas tree pictures throughout the Holiday. This one will be the one I would eliminate from my list if needed.
- Have A Holiday Dinner: This one is normal, the Holidays wouldn’t be the same without a dinner. From what I heard having a feast on Christmas Eve isn’t a common thing here. But I promise to uphold to that tradition. I won’t let that die. Christmas Eve you spend it with the whole family and Christmas is to stay at home with immediate family. I know it sounds weird, but that is how I spent my Holidays as a kid. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
To be honest I haven’t celebrated a true Christmas since 2018. Either money issues or being away from home most of the time. I thought this year I would try to go all out. Especially now that my parents are going to be here. So in a way, this would be my first Christmas. And you have no idea, how much I’ve spent to make this possible. From this first experience, I hope to learn more about what to do in the future Holidays to come.
Now that I am on my own, I wanted to start my own traditions. I want to find my own way to celebrate the Christmas I want to have. It will be a mix between what I was used to and new things that I’ve dreamed to try. I know I won’t be able to do it all, but little by little I want to make this the new way I celebrate.
So there you have it, a new blog post! There is so much to do! And I only have two weeks left before I have to have things done. I’ve been trying to get my apartment ready for the visit. So it is nonstop cleaning and organizing, buying and decorating. Not going to lie, I am getting tired here. I can’t wait for my well-deserved rest. If this keeps up, I’ll be too tired to celebrate at all.
So please wish me good luck and Happy Holidays!
Do not forget to give me a visit at The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active in. Never forget to add me on Facebook, Twitch, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!
See you all later and take care,
from Ijiserure.