Hello Everybody! How are you all doing today?

Welcome to my new travel post! We aren’t traveling, so we practice a language. We will need it one day when we are able to travel again. So I present to you a new list of English words translated into Spanish. They are very useful when you go to Spanish speaking countries.
We always have to do something new. So why not practice a new language. At least I am giving you useful phrases and sentences. With them, you can survive and get around in a place where Spanish is the main language. I hope this becomes very useful to you.
So here is a new list of words and phrases from English to Spanish:
1. Can you show me on the map?: ¿Me podrías mostrar el mapa?
2. Do I have to transfer?: ¿Tengo que transferir?
3. Day: Día
4. Night: Noche
5. I have a reservation.: Tengo una reservación.
6. Do you have free room/ rooms?: ¿Tienes un cuarto/ cuartos vacantes?
7. Can you recommend another hotel?: ¿Me podrías recomendar otro hotel?
8. I would like a room.: Quiero un cuarto.
9. I am staying (one night/ two nights): Me quedaré (una noche/ dos noches)
10. Is breakfast included?: ¿El desayuno está incluido?
11. Can you wake me up at… o’clock?: ¿Me podrían despertar a las…..en punto?
12. Room service: Servicio a la habitación.
13. Shower: Ducha
14. Single room: Habitación de una cama.
15. Double room: Habitación doble.
16. Air conditioning: Aire acondicionado
17. Key: Llave
18. Tv: Tele/ Televisor
19. Hotel: Hotel
20. Hostel: Hostal
21. Fridge: Nevera/ Refrigerador
22. WiFi: Wi-Fi
23. Internet: Internet
24. Telephone: Teléfono
25. When is check-in/ check-out?: ¿Cuando es el registro/ registro de salida?
26. Where is the bank/exchange?: ¿Dónde está el banco/ casa de cambio?
27. Is the post office in the city center?: ¿El correo está en el centro de la ciudad?
28. Where is the best supermarket?: ¿Donde está en el mejor supermercado?
29. Where is the yummiest bakery?: ¿Dónde está la panadería más deliciosa?
30. Where is the nearest gas station?: ¿Dónde está la gasolinería más cercana?
31. Where can I get something to eat?: ¿Dónde puedo encontrar algo de comer?
32. Is the airport far away?: ¿El aereopuerto está lejos?
33. Help!: ¡Ayuda!
34. I need help!: ¡Necesito ayuda!
35. I need a police/ doctor: ¡Necesito un policía/ doctór!
36. I lost my…wallet/ bag: ¡Perdí mi billetera/ bolso!
37. Where is the hospital/ police station?: ¿Dónde está el hospital/ estación de policía?
38. Where is the pharmacy/apothecary?: ¿Dónde está la farmacia?
39. I am sick: Estoy enfermo/ enferma.
40. I don’t feel well: No me siento bien.
41. I was robbed!: ¡Me robaron!
Writing this one is a little more tricky. I had to find appropriate words to convey the same message and meaning without being over complicated. What kills me every time is the accent. Making sure each word has the correct mark. Even I go online to make sure that I am writing them right.
Nobody can travel right now. With all this free time you can start learning a new language. If not you can always dream where do you want to go next time. For me, I work hard to save a lot. Because there are a lot of places I want to go to. And they all cost a lot only to fly there. I am the kind of person that wants to travel without the limitations of money.
So far I haven’t used the travel language guide on myself. I still haven’t had the chance to travel to a place where they speak a foreign language. The closest one I’ve been to is Canada. But I didn’t stop by Quebec. I am practicing French. So when I do so, I want to put my skills and my language guide to the test.
And there you have it a new pseudo travel post. Like everybody else, I am dreaming of the day that I can go outside again and live my life. It is not good to be indoors all the time. It is the dream, but it gets very tiring when nothing new and interesting happens. The days go by and everything feels meaningless. So please wish me good luck!
Do not forget to give me a visit at The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active in. Never forget to add me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!
See you all later and take care,
from Ijiserure.