Building My Personal Site
After my first class in Visual Arts III, our professor told us to build our own website/ blog. He wanted us to have a professional portfolio where we could publish our art. So I got really inspired and thought of creating more than just one personal site. I made Stella Maris, which one day I would love to use it to publish all my travel journaling. I have my Artworks Portfolio, it is the one that I will use for my Visual Arts class and other artworks made in other art classes. Then I have this site Ijiserure’s Art Room, this is my personal art site. I am going to post mostly everything I have currently have going on in my artistic life, to help me move forward in what ever I am interested in doing. I am going to use this site like a creative planner. Of what I plan on adding would be: my current finished art, my to do list, progress list, wish list, dream list, savings, what I am currently reading and my day by day life. I might add some more things in the near future, depending on how well this site works out for me. This is the first time for me to do something like this, so I really do hope that it turns out as a great idea.