image Art: Liliah


Hello Everybody! How are you all doing?

Today I want to show you another drawing I made not so recently ago. You thought that I was kidding? When I said that I had a ton of drawings? I should say that they are never ending. When I look through old folders I end up finding more. Each day I work my way into making good use of them. Even if I like it or not.

Drawing is one of my favorite things to do. It is hard to make a decision in what do you want to draw about. This is the last drawing I made on regular printing paper. I have a few more left that I want to show you guys. And I have a lot more, that I don’t what to do with them. But this one is the last one I made and it wasn’t so long ago. From now on I will be using mixed media, watercolor paper or which ever medium suits me the best.

I like this drawing so much. It is a character I made up out of the spur of the moment. I am still deciding her name. She is so recent that I added her into the Chibi Cute Collection. Soon I will make her a story. I don’t mind that I drew her in regular body form. Currently I am working on drawing all my Chibi Cute Characters in regular forms. I have a sketchbook for it. It is not the best sketchbook. But I am at least putting it into good use.

In this drawing I am finally using my Prismacolor Colored pencils. I still need more practice. You can even compare drawings when I use Prismacolors vs Crayolas. I am more used to Crayolas because I’ve had more time to practice with them. And now I have to do the same with the Prismas. It feels overwhelming because I have a 132 pencils case. That is a lot of colors. In Crayola I only have the 100 pencil box and they come with duplicate colors. Which ever type of pencil I use it doesn’t matter. What it does matter is that I have to practice so I can get better.

I want to create more drawings. I’ve made some awesome drawings lately. And I want to make more. But I am so lazy and tired from work. I will plan a draw-athon. I will dedicate a whole week in to making new drawings. Now that I am planning to move to Canada, I can’t take everything with me. I won’t be taking my sketchbooks with me. So I want to make enough drawings to please me for a whole year. So if I want to work on new drawings I will have to do them all in one art journal. The question is how many drawings can I make in one week? I guess I want to start out with all the CC Characters that I have published so far. If I draw them, then that will be fine by me as an accomplishment. I could make more, if I desire so. But I won’t bite more than I can chew.

And there you have it. Another Art post from yours truly. Right now I am at work writing my post. I am trying to use all the time I have available to do as much as possible. My “things to do” list is never ending. I always find something new to do. Even when I don’t have the time for it. But what can I do? Now that I have said that I will do a draw-athon. I have to clear my time and settle a date. I wish it goes well. There are other things that I need to complete before that week comes. And then I can have all the sweet time to draw as much as I want.

Before I forget I want to give thanks to my Patreon Azure. Thank you for supporting me another month. I will keep doing my best to keep making and publishing posts. And for all you out there if you want to support me, like Azure does then go to my Patreon page. It you are incline to, become my patron and pledge. So you can receive some awesome perks.

Thanks all of you for supporting me. All I need is your support.  Now you can also visit me at my Patreon page or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active like Follow my blog with Bloglovin. Never forget to add me at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and on Pinterest. Well I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,

from Ijiserure