Art: Sensy


Hello Everybody! How are you all doing?

Today I want to show you another one of my drawings. If you knew how many of these do I have, I would be posting each one of them for years. When I was younger I had more free time and more energy. So I would draw from the moment I woke up till I went to bed. Now I am tired all the time and I have plan my drawings before I even trace a pencil over a paper.

Why did I made this drawing? I had a ton of unfinished drawings. So I finished one of them but I made it with already made characters. Completing these old unfinished drawings is way easier now that I have my own characters. Back then I only had one “Ishitzu”. And I would draw her over and over again in different ways. Repetition sometimes gets tiring and boring to me. Now that I have so many OCs that I can have those drawings done soon enough.

Why haven’t I thrown away those old drawings? I am starting to think that I’m hoarder when it comes to art supplies. I used to do those drawings in loose printing paper. It wasn’t until 2012 when I decided to make my drawing in a proper sketchbook. I’ve taken so many art classes to know what to consider when choosing. To find the best sketchbook for the correct medium you are working on. Back then I didn’t mind that I was using printing paper. Cause I would always use colored pencils, pencil and micron pen. Everything has changed now as I want to try watercolor, markers, pens, acrylics…etc. So I have to think about all that. If I don’t find the journal that I need and most comfortable to use. I will start making my own.

Out of my old unfinished drawings I decided to draw Sensy. Why? Because when I started drawing in my sketchbook I planned on never scanning them. I have a hardbound cover sketchbook and bending it to lay it flat on the scanner is not easy. Sometimes it would damage the page behind it. But I broke that rule when I showed you some of my sketchbook artworks. So my point was to show you my characters with my old drawings. Sensy is a character that I have in my sketchbook. I wanted to draw her on lose paper so I could scan it much easier and publish it on the net.

How did I made it? Well I did it with my usual art supplies. I used the Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils. If I haven’t mentioned it before I have the Prismacolor Premier case of 132 pencils. Only I used a total of 9 different colors. The black Micron pen, and a regular graphite pencil for drawing and making the outlines. This drawing was the picture of Sensy that was the one I wanted to show to the public. But as you already know, it didn’t happened that way.

So there you have it, another drawing from my huge collection of old drawings. Right now I am in the middle of class. I need to get ahead on my post drafting. Cause these class projects are consuming most of my time. Right now I have a to do list of artworks and class projects that I need to get done. Wish me good luck! If you feel inclined to, you can give me a like and subscribe. On my site or in any other social media site that I am at. You can go and visit me in at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr ,and on Pinterest. Well I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,
from Ijiserure.