Hello Everybody! How are you all doing?

Welcome to my new diary post! It has been a while since I’ve mentioned about myself. So I thought today would be a good time to do so. It is cold outside and I am in a mood to write on my laptop and sip on some hot chocolate. Fall is the perfect season for writing a blog at a coffee shop.

I found this online and I was interested in answering some of these questions. I guess I can go a bit in detail of who I am and what I do.
1. What age did you begin getting into art? Why did you get into it?
To be honest, I don’t remember. It must have been during preschool or in elementary. The earliest memory I know was when I was very young. Me sitting on the dining table and drawing whatever I saw on the tv.
Why did I get into it, no clue. It must have been a natural instinct of mine to express myself through art. I always did it because I like it not because I wanted to be good at something. Well, whatever the reason back then I’ve still haven’t stopped doing it now.
2. What is your choice of medium/tool? Or programs(s)?
My favorite medium is dry. Colored pencils have always been my safe zone. I love drawing in sketchbooks and journals. But I’ve been trying out other mediums too. I want watercolor to be my new medium. If I want to play around and so some art journaling that I am sure to use mixed mediums. A little bit of everything.
I don’t use any special programs for my art. Even though I want to learn how to draw and color in digital. But I do use Adobe Sparks and Photoshop for thumbnails and watermarks. I do need these programs more than you think.
3. Do you participate in zines? Which one is your most recent?
I don’t know what a zine is. I went online and searched for it. And I hope I got to right answer cause it looks cool. I’ve seen this when I was studying at University. I didn’t what where they called in English. So the answer is no. I don’t participate in zines. But I want to.
The reason why I do art journaling was that I’ve been trying to create my own zines. Which I usually call artist’s books. In Spanish zines are “libro de artista”. But the names are so different from English to Spanish how was I supposed to put two and two together? Now I know that this is a thing. I want to go and start one of my own.
4. Do you make merchandise? Favorite kind of merch to make?
I don’t make merch. But that doesn’t mean I am not working on it. It takes time to create new artwork and scan them to create merch with it.
But my dream is to sell my coloring book. And if I can a coloring calendar too. Now that I know that zines are a thing, I want to publish that too. But I am taking baby steps right now. I don’t even have a proper desk yet.
5. Who/what are your art inspirations?
I have a lot of things that inspire me. Most of them are other artists. I love looking at Einlee, Sakimichan, Naschi, and Juder. They are my top four. Their art inspires me to make more and better art. I don’t want to be like them but they motivate me to become better.
6. What is something (a technique, behaviorism, etc.) that you do with your drawing that you think is unique to you?
Well, I am not sure if it counts, but I like to draw my characters with a story. There has to be a reason my they look that way or dress like that. It’s not like I woke up one morning and said ‘I need a girl on a kimono’. Something else I don’t do in my art. I don’t draw kissing scenes. I prefer them hugging or gazing into each other’s eyes. It is something I’ve decided to do a long time ago.
7. Describe your style. What would you change?
So I’ve been practicing a lot on my art. I like to draw bodies with an edge but very smooth. Like a balance between sharpness and roundness. For example, the irises are round but the eyelashes are sharp and pointy. So far I’ve changed so much that I need something new to in my drawings to improve. I guess I have to change the way I blend colored pencils. I want it to look more like a gradient.
8. How do you get out of an art block?
I’ve always have ideas I want to do. But most of my art block comes from journals and stories. Either I get a new journal and don’t know what to do with it. Or I have a character but no story ideas come to my head. To fix this problem I always go online and look at other artists. Something will come out of it.
9. Does your style reflect who you are visually or your personality?
I think it does represent my personality the most. In their stories, I add a bit of myself to each character. Real feelings make for a more believable character. As looks go, I aim to make all my characters look cute but at the same time have a sexy aura to them. It is like I want them to be adorable and attractive at the same time. In a way that is how I want to be perceived and feel. Some characters look more like me than others, I plan to make more characters with darker skin. But I don’t care much about that when I am coloring.
10. What do you find easiest about drawing?
If you have noticed, it is easier for me to draw females. Guys are more of a challenge. I need reverences upon references to get the male body right. What I hate to most about drawing men is, that clothing options are limited. I believe my next drawing practice will have to be all about males. But yeah, girls are cute, girls are pretty and I enjoy drawing them instead. If doubts, I look at myself in the mirror.
And there you have it a questionnaire post of how much of an artist am I. There are still a few more questions left. So I will leave the rest of it for a second part. I can’t wait to answer the other questions. I did enjoy this. Who knew that answering questions was so relaxing.
The fall is here and the weather got so cold. More than I am used to. But I am loving every second of it. Too much to the point, I don’t want it to go back to warm again. Cloudy days are my favorite days and I can’t stop loving it. I am too excited about a change in the weather. So today I am getting my new lap desk. Now I will be able to work with watercolors. So I’ll be busy doing some art. Please with me good luck.
Do not forget to give me a visit at The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active. Never forget to add me at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!
See you all later and take care,
from Ijiserure.