Ask An Artist Pt 3

Hello Everybody! How are you all doing today?

Welcome to my creative post! This is the third and last part. So many questions to answer about my artistic life and things that I’ve done. This post makes me reflect so much about me and my art. At least I am learning something in the process.

We are at the end of this series of posts. I was getting into the answer and question vibe. Now I want to do more of them. But I’ve run out of questions. I’ll have to go and so some research and search for more artist oriented questions for me to answer.

16. Show something you drew in the past that shows your improvement.

I used to draw like this back in middle school. And back in elementary, it was even less than that. But little by little I’ve been improving. Too bad, I didn’t save those notebooks. It would have been nice to see the drastic change from when and now.

17. Show something you drew in the past you’re still proud of.

This is the oldest drawing I have. And I am so proud of it. I drew it by looking at another drawing and this was my end result. It is so nostalgic that I am still debating whether to draw it again or not. Now I can see all my errors. But I don’t feel like fixing them any time soon.

18. If you have done artist alley before, how do you feel about it?

First, I didn’t know what “artist alley” was. Second, now that I know I haven’t done one. I want to someday. Sooner than later would be fine. I’ve seen something similar to that and I find it intimidating and exciting all together. You are exposing yourself to a lot of people. And you are in the spotlight for all kinds of criticism. Either you make it or break it.

19. Share a tutorial or reference that has helped you.

Bitter Sweet Nitemare, Manga Face Tutorial

I like tutorials but I don’t see them that much. But if I do I guess this one was to most helpful to me in recent years. That is how I changed my art style a bit. Doing this over and over and over again until I was satisfied with the results. This is what I’ve been doing when I said I was practicing.

20. Plug time! Where else can followers find you?

I use a lot of sites. But you can find me at:

I love this kind of post. I hope in the future I get the change to make another one of these. I had fun while it lasted. But I am ultra busy and work must be done. Now it is not the time for games anymore. The year is ending and my work keeps adding up.

And there you have it a new creative post. There is so much planning and thinking about the future. For some reason now I have to change my strategy. I want to show everybody that this is what I am meant to do so I have to work hard to make it right. I give thanks to my patron Azure and everyone else who supports me. So please wish me good luck! I’ll need it more than ever.

Do not forget to give me a visit at The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active. Never forget to add me at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,

from Ijiserure.