Hello Everybody! How are you all doing?

Welcome to my new language guide blog post. I’ve been working so hard to make sure that all these words and phrases are correct. But this is the last list for the German phrases. We are all done. Now I have to head on and work on the next ones. Still have no clue which language to go with next. It is between French or Italian.
Writing this list was a bit easier than the rest. Most of the words were numbers or colors. So the process of verifying each one when a lot smoother this time. I do enjoy writing my list. I get to fantasize about a trip to where ever place the language is related to. If only I could make that come true.
So here is a new list of words and phrases from English to German:
1. Hundred: hunderte
2. Two hundred: zweihundert
3. Three hundred: dreihundert
4. Four hundred: vierhundert
5. Five hundred: fünfhundert
6. Thousand: tausend
7. Two thousand: zweitausend
8. Ten thousand: zehntausend
9. Hundred thousand: einhunderttausend
10. Million: Millionen
11. Billion: Milliarden
12. Money: Geld
13. Number: Nummer
14. Red: Rot
15. Blue: Blau
16. Yellow: Gelb
17. Green: Grüne
18. Orange: Orangefarben
19. Purple: Violett
20. Brown: Braun
21. Gray: Grau
22. Black: Schwarz
23. White: Weiß
24. Gold: Gold
25. Silver: Silber
26. Pink: Rosarot
27. Turquoise: Türkis
28. Indigo: Indigo
29. Can you tell me the time?: Können Sie mir sagen, wie spät es ist?
30. Yes: Ja
31. No: Nein
32. Maybe: Vielleicht
33. At what time does the train leave?: Um wie viel Uhr fährt der Zug
34. Is this seat vacant/ occupied?: Ist dieser Platz frei/besetzt?
35. How long will it take to arrive?: Wie lange wird es dauern, bis es ankommt?
36. Me/ I: Ich
37. You (singular): Du
38. He/ She/ It: Er/ Sie/ Es
39. You (plural): Ihr/Sie
40. They: Sie/Man
41. We: Wir
Not going to lie but there were some words that were tricky to translate. I couldn’t determine if it was correct or not. All I could do is verify and trust that one of those options was the correct one. Now that I think about it, traveling would be something I won’t be able to do until a far future from now. Everything seems impossible. I can’t do this and I can’t do that. I am more frustrated about trying to make this happen.
The Holidays are about to start, so I am focused on doing some early shopping. There is so much to spend to make this the perfect holiday. So I am very excited about that. This is my favorite time of the year after all. And my parents are coming to visit so there is a truckload of things to prepare. I feel like I’ve been preparing for months now.
So please wish me good luck and I hope you have a nice day!
Do not forget to give me a visit at The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active in. Never forget to add me on Facebook, Twitch, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!
See you all later and take care,
from Ijiserure.