Learning How To Keep A Bullet Journal

Hello Everybody! How are you all doing today?

Welcome to my new post! Today I want to talk about journals. The kind that you keep a record of life and happenings. And if you want to be a little creative, you can also do that. So I want to get into more details about the bullet journal.

I’ve always wanted to keep a bullet journal. Since the moment that I found out that keeping a planner is very wasteful. Each year they make them more expensive and without the features you need. But I am not good at it. I can’t keep a bullet journal either. I am not disciplined enough to keep one for more than three months.

I wish I could keep any kind of record-keeping journal. There are so many things to keep a note on. Every day I have a things to-do list. And like always I forget about it. So I know how to use a bullet journal. But I can’t do it for so long. I’ll need another kind of journal to keep track of.

How to keep a bullet journal?

Step 1: Get a notebook or a journal: as long as there is paper it is fine. The brand is not important cause the purpose is to keep notes.

Step 2: Get a pen: any color any type is okay. Pick your favorite color or brand. As long as it can write.

Step 3: Create some bullets: they are icons that help you organize and classify your notes.

Step 4: Make it look nice: be creative. Decorate it as much as you like. Stickers, highlighters, washi tape. There is a lot of supplies out there to beautify your journal.

Step 5: Always be diligent: try to use the journal every day. Even if you have nothing to write about. It creates a habit to never forget.

I am about to create my own bullet journal. I am hoping to follow my own steps. I am still a beginner, so I won’t make it complicated. I’ve seen bullet journals out there and they look like works of art. Those are in expert mode. I can’t do that, I can’t even keep track of a journal after a few weeks.

My plan is to start slow. I will follow my own steps. And I am going to keep it simple. I’ve tried other methods of keeping track of my work. But writing it down in a journal always feels right to me. I am doing it online, it is convenient, but it doesn’t feel the same.

And there you have it a new creative post! I see a lot of work in my future and I need something to keep me on track. I know that I’ve spent the past month working on some projects. But those projects created even more work. I am not ready.

So please wish me good luck and have a nice day!

Do not forget to give me a visit at The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active in. Never forget to add me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,

from Ijiserure.

Ijiserure Art

Fighting all obstacles towards her dream. Ijiserure is a blogger during the day and artist by night. Using art as a source of happiness in life. A non-stop creator and convicted dreamer. Seeing the world is the best thing humans can do to learn about themselves. Working hard to make others see the world the way she does. The fuel that keeps her going is the goal of wanting to become a Travel Blogger and a build up her own brand. Promoting the arts and traveling in whatever she does. She graduated from University with a degree in Graphic Design. Meanwhile working her way to achieve her second degree in Photography. The type of person that would jump at any hurdles along the way.