Life Post: August

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Hello Everybody!  How are you all been doing?
A long month has already passed. The season of fall is about to start. In a few weeks. What I am trying to say is that time flows by when you least expect it. And you have to savor each moment of it. But great opportunities don’t come by as often as the seasons do. Even though I live with constant limitations I do try to grab on to any chance I can. 
In a few months I will be leaving towards Canada. I am always planning and planning and re-planning. It is hard to make up my mind of what it’s important and what should I leave behind. Saving money like a mad woman. Making to do lists to not forget any details. 
I’ve noticed that the more I try to explain my trip to others the more they transfer their fears. I am starting to feel afraid of going on this trip. But I can cower and back down. This is something that I have wanted for so long. I could say that I ‘ve dreamed of this for almost ten years. Since the day that I started imagining myself going to a faraway college. Where I had to stay in dorms and whatnot. 
What else has been going on in my life? 
I am trying to learn how to color with inks. One by one, I am transferring my old drawings into my sketchbook and coloring them. Still deciding if I should take that sketchbook with me. 
Lately I have been searching height quality are supplies. They are quite expensive and I want to try them in my art. But first I am trying to learn how to use that I currently have. For me, art is such a fickle and confusing work. It is so hard to keep my mind on one thing only.  
Recently I’ve been posting on my Facebook page every day. Working to get my page updated one post at a time. Also I am posting my recent art images into my Instagram. Soon I will run out of images. So it might be possible that will be also posting images of random things in my life. 
A lot isn’t happening these days. I did kinda watch the solar eclipse. But I was stuck at work at the time. Once in a while go outside and take pictures of the sun straight from my phone. I don’t know if it made any difference at all. But I am satisfied with the little I got. I wasn’t going to be able to see anything anyways. 
What I have been doing lately is: I go to work sometimes I work for 4 to 5 hours or I stay a full shift. Then at home I write by blog, work on something that couldn’t get done before or take a rest. Every time I get my weekly paycheck, I put all my money into my savings unless I have to buy or pay for something I need. And that is all there is each week. 
There you have it.  Another life post. Like always I want to give thanks to my Patreon Azure. Every month supporting me and my blog. I am sorry for not having an exciting life yo talk about.  I wasn’t planning to be this way. But I’ve realized that sometime little sacrifices are made to get what you want.
Do not forget to give me visit at my new website The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active. Never forget to add me at FacebookTwitterInstagramTumblr, and on Pinterest. Well I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,

from Ijiserure.