Life Post: July 2019

“Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.”

Bradley Whitford

Hello Everybody! How are you all doing?

Welcome to my new life post. We are almost done with July. This month was so full of new experiences. It is hard to recall all the new things I’ve encountered. All I can say is, that I am feeling free. Even though I am busy as hell, its like I can do whatever I want. Nobody can stop me and I won’t let them stop me either. I am going to live my life the way I want to.

So I have moved out of my childhood home. Now I am living in a faraway place in another country. Everything is different here, the people, the food and the weather. It has been so long since I’ve seen rain. I miss that. But things are getting better each day. I have done more progress in a month than 10 months back home.

A lot of changes are happening as the days go by. I already have a job and I got my first paycheck. Sooner or later I will have my own place to live. And I can’t wait for that either. I am always doing things that I’ve never done before. Thinking about renting a place or buying a car. They are all firsts for me.

The downside of everything is that there is so much to get used to. So busy with house hunting to even sit down and work on my blog. It has been so long since I drew a picture. And work leaves me too exhausted to do anything useful. But it takes time for me to get used to a routine. And soon I will have all this figured out.

I am not scared at all. I am happy but tired. But I am still happy with my life so far. I do not regret the choice that I have made. And this decision is for my best interests. All I am waiting for it to get settled already. There is so much I want to do. I want to go out to places and do fun things. But right now is not the time and I will have all the time in the world later to do so.

And there you have it a new life post for July. This life post has been different from the rest. It is a fresh out experience that won’t go away for a while. I hope new and more exciting things happen during the next month. If I work hard enough I want to be all settled before the next life post. So wish me good luck for that to happen as soon as possible.

Do not forget to give me a visit at The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active. Never forget to add me at FacebookTwitterInstagramTumblr, and on Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,

from Ijiserure