Life Posts: January 2018

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”



Hello Everybody! How are you all doing?

Today I want to talk about what has been going on in my life. Time passes by faster than you could grasp it. That is why you should enjoy every second of it.  
The holidays came and left. I spent Christmas Eve and New Years Eve with my family. This year I spent my birthday with my parents and brother. I ate a lot of food. Well that is something you do during the holidays. There are so many dishes that are cooked once a year. So you have to taste it all, because you won’t eat it again until next year.  
As of today I am jobless. I quit the job that I’ve spent almost three years at. I am not sad of leaving. There are some people that I do not want to abandon at that place. At least I know that they have aspirations and ambition. That they aren’t planning to stay there for the rest of their lives. I will miss the ice cream though.
My coworkers/ friends planned a farewell activity. It was awkward but at least I was able to spend time with them before I left. Even if I get new friends, I will still have them on my mind. It’s not like I am leaving forever. In a year I will return to them. I hope they don’t move on without me.
During January I haven’t done much. I spent each week preparing myself. Making sure everything was set and done. I can’t leave anything unfinished nor forget about something. In some parts the preparing process has been easy. In others, I have been worried sick that nothing goes wrong.
Yesterday my whole family made a farewell party. I definitely won’t be seeing them for a whole year. I will miss them too. Even though my job didn’t let me see them as much as I wanted to. But my purpose for traveling is a positive one. So there is no reason for them to worry out me. 
I am less that 24 hours away from leaving. I am praying that everything goes well. But at the same time I am exited for what it’s ahead. I want too experience already how the rest of the world is like. Can’t wait to witness how beautiful Vancouver is.
And there you have it, a new life post for 2018. As I am exited for my trip, I am also scared of anything that might go wrong. But I keep my head up high and keep moving forward. Right now I am relaxing and enjoying that short amount of time I still have left at my old home.

Do not forget to give me visit at my new website The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active. Never forget to add meat FacebookTwitterInstagramTumblr, and on Pinterest. Well I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,

from Ijiserure.