My Blue Sketchbook

Hello Everybody! How are you all doing?
Today I want to talk about my Blue Sketchbook. I have mentioned it so many time. So today is the day that I will talk about it. I am glad that I will talk about before I finish it.
So what is my Blue Sketchbook? It is a regular black hardcover sketchbook. I say it is regular because it isn’t from any well known art brand. I don’t even know what brand it is. When I want to know about it, I go back to my shopping list at Amazon. It isn’t special or anything. Nor did I buy it for it’s quality. My sketchbook was cheap so it lacks some artistic qualities. At that time I wasn’t mindful about that.  But now it is everything that I look for when buying art supplies. If it were me buying my sketchbook today, I wouldn’t have taken it. Well now that I  think about it. I’ve recently bought the Very Big Sketchbook. At least it has a better paper. 
Why is it Blue?
My sketchbook is blue because I got bored of my plain old black sketchbook. It didn’t looked as interesting as it was on the inside. I wanted something more colorful. I wanted to make it more personalized. So I decorated the cover in a blue theme. Blue is one of my favorite colors.  I used acrylics, paper tape, construction paper, and decorative tissue paper. 
How long do I have this sketchbook?
I have this sketchbook since 2011. I was buying on the internet for the first time. So I decided to get myself a sketchbook. I’ve never kept my drawings in a sketchbook before. So I wanted to try it out. To be honest, that was the best choice I have ever made. I do not regret having a sketchbook to keep my art organized.  It keeps my art style a bit restrained. But I shrugged that off. So will have 7 years since I got it. There are almost 150 drawings in it. Now I have a bunch of other sketchbook for different reasons and ideas. The only sketchbook that will substitute my Blue Sketchbook, is going to be the Very Big Sketchbook. Still have no clue on how will I decorate the cover. 
What are my biggest mistakes?
There are a few different things that I would have wanted my sketchbook to be. If only I would have chosen better the sketchbooks. I am stuck with dry media only. I only draw with pencils and outline with Pigma pens. And I can only color with colored pencils. Once I tried coloring with markers it bleed through. It wasn’t worth it. An other mistake I made was to draw on both sides of the paper. Now my drawings smudges onto the one next to it. From now on I will draw on one side of the page. It I try using markers, I will put thicker paper behind it so it won’t stain the rest of the pages. This is why I choose the best paper for the best medium.  So I don’t have to crack my mind on how to remedy my mistakes. 
What do I wish for on in a sketchbook?
I wish for everything! I want white and smooth paper for coloring with pencils. I hate sketch paper or any with a rough texture. A paper thick enough for watercolor or markers. A stitched hardcover book in a 8.5 x 11 inches. And I want it to have 50 or more sheets. A book like that does not exists. You might have to go around and test some papers before you can find which one is right for you. What I would have to do is create my own sketchbook from scratch. This book is so great I shouldn’t even call it a sketchbook, I will call it the artbook. Well, I guess I could arrange that.
So there you have it, finally a post about my Blue Sketchbook. Recently I’ve been coloring more drawings from it. In the near future you will see some more sketchbook art. Talking about sketchbook, I will also start a new one. But this sketchbook would be all about the Chibi Cute Collection Characters. I will try my hardest to start and finish my drawings on time. In my old sketchbook some of them take years to be finished.

Remember to visit me now at my new website The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active like Follow my blog with Bloglovin. Never forget to add me at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and on Pinterest. Well I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,

from Ijiserure.