My Senspirations and Me

Hello everybody! How are you all doing?

Today I am going to talk about my Senspirations and the reason of it’s creation. And also talk a bit of myself too. I worked so much now, and I think it is time to explain what is this site is all about. I’ve already mentioned it’s pages, now is time to talk about the website and myself in general.

I am going to be honest here, I feel that my life is super boring. Maybe some of you feel the same. I do things that don’t seem to be exiting anymore. Some people think otherwise. Now that I have this site, I feel invigorated again to work hard, make my dreams come true and to enjoy my life once more. By making this blog you are helping me. So I will help you and show you. That just like me, you can find something interesting in your life and make something great out of it.

I made this site for all you that are into travel, art, and daily life events. I am not an expert. I am just a newbie and I am still learning. The only thing that matters is that I am having fun by doing this. That I am entertaining you all with what I do every day.  I’m here to prove, that if you want to make your dreams come true, then you can. Because that is what I am trying to do right here, right now. I want to always try a little bit of everything. So I want to publish my artwork to the world, show them how I do it. I want people to see what I like and what I am passionate about.

This site started because I always wanted to travel. But I’ve never though that it could be something you can actually have a job in. I prefer to be a freelancer and do things my own way. So I knew that one day I would have to get my own blog and publish my work. But I’ve never realized that I could become a blogger before a traveler. Not until a professor told the class and me to get a blog. And that is how I entered the world of blogging. I got hooked as I created my first site.

Usually I am a girl that doesn’t go out as much as I should. That is why I have this deep need to go out one day and explore the world. A lot of people told me that traveling is almost impossible because it is “so expensive”. But I want to prove to everyone that it is possible, you just have to do your research. So I’ve decided to be a travel journalist. But first I wanted to learn about photography. And during my classes one of my professors told me to sell my drawings as a coloring book. With that I could save enough money to travel. Then another professor told me to open up a blog to publish my art portfolio. That is where things became exiting. Designing a webpage was so much fun, that I made four more sites. Just to secure my domain names. Then I decided to make a personal blog to talk about my daily life and about the things I did. And that is how the Senspirational ArtRoom was made.

There you have it. That is a little about me and my motivations to make this website happen. With this I am still just at the beginning. There is a lot of stuff for me to do and create. If you want to say “Hello” or to see more of my content. Then you can Like, Subscribe and/or Follow me at Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr. So take care and stay in tune for my next post.

See you all later and Happy Holidays,

from Ijiserure.