image Sketchbook Art: All Stars

All Stars


Hello everybody! How are you all doing?

Today I present to you another sketchbook art. I know what you are saying, I do have a lot of drawings. But that is what I like doing. It’s obvious that I was going to have a lot of them. I’ve been drawing for years. Drawing is one of my favorite hobbies.

So today I show you the All Star Girls. These girls are my first characters I made. They all resemble each other, if you haven’t noticed. I started first with Ishitzu, the girl in the center with yellow eyes. She was my main character in almost every story I’ve made. I drew her when I was in seventh grade. That was a long time ago. I still remember her. And sometimes I draw her. If you see my old drawings you might recognize her. But the way she looks here, is her final form. I am not going to change her anymore. This is the way she will look from now on.

Then there are the other girls. From left to right Streya, Bleu, Dakki, Dark and Tobashi. Why do they all look so similar? When I was younger Ishitzu was me, if I were an anime character. Back then I was into having white hair and blue eyes. So I made my character that way. Each of the girls were one aspect of myself. But now I have my own character. I will talk about her later. Like I’ve said before, I’ve modified them all for the last time. If I ever draw them again, this is how they will look.

So how did I drew them? Well I drew them with a pencil of course. I am starting to use red or blue pencils to draw. Cause graphite smudges if you don’t erase them well. I think regret drawing on both sides of the paper. I always have to watch out that one drawing doesn’t smudges over the other. But I have most of my sketchbook drawn this way. I will continue doing so until the end. But on my next sketchbook, I won’t do that anymore. No matter how wasteful I am being. Unless there is a fixative that prevents pages from staining. From what I can see, I need to practice more on making the skin look even. One day I will just press the pencil on that page without caring what happens. Maybe that way my drawing might come out better. So this time I am used the Prismacolor Verithin Colored Pencils. I like them cause they have a hard core. And like always I used my trusty Crayola Colored Pencils. Also I used the Micron pens to make the outlines. Those are my most used art supplies when I am drawing. Soon I will experiment using other ways and mediums to color my art.

And there you have it, another art work from my “Blue Sketchbook”. Right now I am going straight away to finish another drawing. There are still 6 more left until the end of the year. It is surprising that it takes a lot of time to color one drawing. I need to step up my game. From the moment I wake up until the time I go to bed. How many drawing can I color in one day? Maybe I’ll try that tomorrow. So I got to go because I have work to do. Don’t forget to subscribe to my site, so you can get notified when I publish a new post. Take care and have a nice day.

See you all later and Happy Holidays,

from Ijiserure.