My 2017 Savings Challenge

Hello everybody! How are you all doing?

Today I want to talk about money. Yeah about the paper that gets us all the things we need. Some of us don’t know it’s true value and use it like if it were refillable. And others know well how to use it, sometimes they don’t use it at all. But this year I have spent so much, like a lot. I am even afraid to find out the grand total. But at least I go some pretty nice things. I will show them to you later. My point is that I want to start saving again. There are important things that I want. But first I have to save up a lot of money. The sooner I start saving the more I will have later on, or by the time I need it. It is good to create a good saving plan and set your time frame.

I went around looking for ideas on how to save money. At least to make a plan on how to save. First I need to know how much money can I put aside. Then decide for how long do I want to safe. And most important, how much money do I want to save? and what is it for? I think it would be a lot easier to save money of you set up a goal. I have a lot of things to pay but I do have a goal I want to save money for. As my goal I want to travel, but I need money first. And that is why I am saving money. I still have a wish list of stuff that I want to get, but I can put that aside for now. Unless I make another separate savings for my wishlist. Then I would have two savings one for my dream list, which is traveling. And another savings pool for my wish list.

Look at what I found in Pinterest. I was looking for savings challenges and I found two that I liked. The WHOot made a savings plan for kids, but I think it would be a great savings plan for my wish list. If I ever feel like spending money on something nice. Then I would use the money I saved with this plan. In 52 weeks I will be saving a total of $340 dollars. That sounds like an awesome plan to me.

The WHOot has created another savings plan. This savings challenge, I want to try it to earn money for my traveling. In only 52 week I could save $1,378.00 dollars. Maybe this is not enough from my travel, but this is a great start. If I do this challenge three times, by then I would have the amount I need. Or I could just change to another savings challenge with a higher mount. First I’ll see how well I will do with this one.

If only I had something to measure my savings progress. I guess I’ll have to look for a fundraising thermometer. It took me a while to find one. To be honest, I didn’t know what those where called. The only thing I remembered was that it looked like a thermometer. But don’t worry I found it. It took me a bit longer cause I didn’t wanted it to look like an actual thermometer. So it took me a while to find one to look for my liking. I went here to There I found a good looking fundraising thermometer. You can add the name of your “organization”, the name of your goal. The rest is kinda obvious. You write the amount of your goal and the amount you raised so far.  And voila! you have started your own savings meter.

This is how mine looks:  My savings Meter

I know it is low. But I am just only starting. Did you think I was going to be halfway there from the get go? I would if I wanted to impress you guys. But in reality this is what I have so far. Don’t worry, in a blink of eye I might be almost done.

So there you have it. I am working my way to raise money. If you feel like wanting to save some money. Then feel free to try out this savings challenge. There is still stuff to do before the end of the year. Remember to stay tune for my next post and take care.

See you all later and Happy Holidays,

from Ijiserure