Sketchbook Art: Ichi

Hello Everybody!  How are you all doing?


Today it is a new art post! So I want to talk about my new sketchbook art. I made so many stories along the years. That is why I have so many main characters. I have almost 30 main characters, each one with their own story.
Who is this character?
She is Ichi. Do not confuse yourself with my other character named Ishitzu. Even though they both have tan skin and blue eyes. The difference is that Ichi has blue-black hair with silver bangs. And has a strong personality.
Where does this story come from?
Back in the day, I used to play an online game called “Zomg”. And like anything that I like, I make a story out of it. This story is my own interpretation of my play through. I still am halfway through the game. So it still doesn’t have a planned ending. 
What is the story about?
Its located in the world of Gaia. Where the world becomes overrun by inanimate objects. All objects were awoken with life and started to attack humans. To defend themselves humans have discovered rings that give them power. With them, they can fight off these creatures and protect others. 
Ichi’s adventure began when she departed her hometown in Durem to meet her friend at the Isle of Gambino. Her train ride was cut off short. Creatures entered the train through the tunnels and started attacking the passengers.
Help came on the way and supplied the passengers with rings. As soon as she put on the ring she couldn’t take it off. But she felt strong, with enough power to push away the living objects. With the ring, she made her way through the sewers and out of the underground tunnels. 
As a safe haven, Barton Town was the place where everyone was being evacuated to. She thought that her friend was there too. But she was nowhere to be found. Sentries guarding the entrance to the town announced that neighboring towns were off limits and invaded. Ichi began to panic knowing her friend was out there in danger or worse. 
Only skilled fighters were allowed to venture into danger zones. Knowing that was the only way she could go out and rescue her friend. Ichi volunteered to become a Zomg fighter. With brief and intensive training she had a set of eight rings and was ready to go out and find her friend.
And there you have it, a new sketchbook character. I started to make this story after the game was taken down. As I was doing some research about the game, I found out that it is available again. I am so happy, I can’t wait to go back and continue where I left off.

Do not forget to give me a visit at my new website The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active. Never forget to add me on FacebookTwitterInstagramTumblr, and on Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,

from Ijiserure.

Ijiserure Art

Fighting all obstacles towards her dream. Ijiserure is a blogger during the day and artist by night. Using art as a source of happiness in life. A non-stop creator and convicted dreamer. Seeing the world is the best thing humans can do to learn about themselves. Working hard to make others see the world the way she does. The fuel that keeps her going is the goal of wanting to become a Travel Blogger and a build up her own brand. Promoting the arts and traveling in whatever she does. She graduated from University with a degree in Graphic Design. Meanwhile working her way to achieve her second degree in Photography. The type of person that would jump at any hurdles along the way.