Ask An Artist! Part 2

Hello Everybody! How are you all doing today?

Welcome to my new post! We are now going to the second part of “Ask an Artist”. There is so much that I need to answer. But at the same time, there is a lot that I need to do. I might get addicted to questionnaires like these.

11. What do you find hardest about drawing?

Drawing male bodies is the most difficult for me. But I’ve still haven’t mastered how to draw hands or feet. At least I am getting better at that. I’ll need to take some time to practice all my shortcomings.

12. Is art part of your career or a hobby? What is your goal with art in life?

Art used to be a hobby for me. Now things have changed. I want to make a career out of my art. I’ve been drawing for too long to let it stay as a hobby. That is why I have been practicing more than ever to get better.

My goal is to create my own coloring book. I tried at first but my art needs to be better. I want to make drawings that are amazing enough for people to want to color them. I also want to stream so people can see my working process. But my priority is to get my coloring book done.

13. Advice to give to beginning artists?

The biggest advice I can give to a beginning artist is, to practice a lot. Learn the basics: color theory, types of mediums and shapes and forms. Don’t be afraid to trace, cause that is how I learned how to draw. Study other artists. And then find your own style.

14. Advice to give to your artist peers?

The advice that I can give to my peers is, never stop practicing. Commit to a medium, learn it and master it. Don’t break the bank for expensive art supplies. Find one with good quality that works well for you. And find your own style. Never ever try to imitate another artist’s style.

15. What have you drawn recently that you are proud of?

These are the two artworks that I am most proud of. They are very recent. But it shows how hard I’ve worked to improve. I chose these two because they are of different mediums. Colored pencils for Suichou and Watercolor for Summer. This is what made me believe that I could get better if I continue working hard.

This is the end of the second part of Asking an artist. Third and last part will be coming soon. There is so much I need to reflect on. But there are still questions that are left to answer.

There is still so much I need to learn before I get to the level where I want to be. But in the meant time, I am going to keep creating. There is so much to do. It has been almost three months without working on new drawings. So I want to catch up plus get ahead of my work.

Do not forget to give me a visit at The Senspirational ArtRoom. All I need is your support and now you can do so by going to my Patreon page. Or go to see my older drawings at DeviantArt. There are also many other sites that I am currently active. Never forget to add me at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Well, I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,

from Ijiserure.