Introduction to my website

Hello everybody! How are you all doing?

Welcome to my website.

What is this site about?
This is my site The Senspirational Art room. If you are  into Art, Traveling and Life Blogging then I think this is your kind of site. If you aren’t interested in those things then I hope you can find in my site something that you might like. It will be hard to please everyone or cover everyone’s interests. Right now I am clamming that I am not an expert at this, actually I am a newbie and I am practicing to be better at this. I know that practice makes perfect. So please bare with me on this as I am writing this blog in English and it isn’t my first language. If I could I would have liked to write my blog in English, Spanish and in many other languages. Then a lot of people could read my posts.

Why do I have this site?
Why did I decided to use a site to have a blog instead of blogging in another place? That’s easy, cause I wanted to have my own place, somewhere I could customize to my liking. I needed a space to put a lot of things. I have the ArtRoom which is my main site, where I have a space for my blogging and my artworks. Then I have my projects sites. The Art Case, that is my art portfolio. There is Stella Maris, that is where I blog about traveling. The ArtBook, is a site for my coloring book, and the CC Collection that is my brand of Chibi Cute Characters.

Why did I started blogging?
I started blogging because I wanted to reach my audience a little bit easier. The best way to communicate with the people is doing it through the internet. I was waiting to start working on my traveling, so I was going to have my own blog. But I realized that it was going to take me a while to start on my traveling. The reason why I am doing this sooner was because during an art class a professor told us to do this for the class. And I just got hyped about it and now I am here doing this. I never thought that blogging was this much fun. I regret not starting a lot earlier.

Who is this site/blog made for?
I am making this site for everyone who likes travel journalism. For people who likes to see me making a bunch of artworks and art videos. Or just want to know what I am doing on my life blog. Unless my CC Collection is what drew you to my site and that is cool too. I am glad that you like them. I am not trying to impress anybody, I just want to show the world that this is who I am and this is what I like doing. It would be a dream to live my life just by doing this. Traveling and talking about it so I can help others do the same. Creating a lot of art, because I love making them. And I know people who like them too.

How did I make this site?
This site was made out of things that I love doing. It could either be traveling, drawing or just everything else I do in my life. I just want to have fun and I am doing it by blowing about the things I am interested in doing.

When is this site updated?
There is a new post every week. It could be from and artwork showcase to a weekly life blog. My goal is to have a post up twice a week. On Mondays it will be all about topics and life blogging. Then on Fridays there will be a posts about artworks. I can be from a drawing showcase to how to do it artwork.

So if you’re interested in what I have to offer or you are just like me trying to have fun out of the things that I do. Then feel free to join in to read my posts. If you want to stay updated on every new post then go right ahead and subscribe to the site. Take care and have a nice day.

See you all later and Happy New Year,

from Ijiserure.