What Are My Plans As A Blogger

Hello everybody! How are you all doing?

Today I had planned to talk about my favorite art supplies and working tools. Is not that I became bored with the topic. Something else came into my mind, and I wanted to talk about it. If you all have read my previous posts, you must know the art supplies that I use the most. They are my favorites. Right now I am learning to use other tools so that list will change sooner or later.

Okay, lets start now with the new topic. I want to talk about this site. What am I doing, what are my plans. My first posts were about this topic. I explained why did I make this site and for what reason. But I need to remind myself again cause think this plan doesn’t have a clear path. How did this topic came up? Well, I was talking to a classmate about my blog and whatnot. He made me that question and I couldn’t find a way to answer that. It left me thinking for days. So I’ve decided to write a post about it. Making a post would help be visualize my plan easier.

Why am I blogging?

Why do I blog? Cause two of the things that I want to do involves some public communication. I want to travel and talk about my trips. If I start blogging now, I can use it as a practice. At the same time gather some audience. What if I do it after I have made my travels? I would have to start everything I have now from scratch. Then I would be asking myself, “Why didn’t I do this sooner.” Currently I am taking a second major in photography. So I can take professional photographs during my trips.

Why not blog about art?

I do like art. I have a bachelors degree in graphic design. People say I would gain a lot of cash to work as a graphic designer. I am not as confident in it. And I do not want to put myself behind another barrier to keep me away from traveling. But I do use the things that I’ve learn to work on my site and my content. There is a coloring book that I’ve made with my old drawings. I want to sell them. That way I can save up money for traveling. Never thought of gaining money by only blogging. Showing my drawings I can attract people into buying my books.

What is my site for?

Some people must have seen my main site “The Senspirational ArtRoom“. It looks like a mess a “pretty mess” at first. It’s because I don’t write about one theme, like other bloggers do. I can understand, cause working on one niche is a lot easier. It attracts people that are looking for a specific topic. I do not do that. I talk about traveling, art, lifestyle. People come looking for different things. I am don’t want to be the kind of person that wants to master only one thing. I like to learn how to do many different things.

So what is my plan as a blogger?

Okay, so this is what I have so far. I am blogging to practice how to become a professional blogger. At the same time have a head start and gather an audience. I am showing my drawings so that people would buy my coloring book. With the coloring book profits I can pay for website hosting or save for my traveling. Trying to build a brand to sell more stuff. I could sell my coloring books, traveling guide books or “special artworks”. Right now this is my formula. Not going to rely on gaining money only by blogging. My goal is to blog and sell my products.

Do I have a due date?

Blogging is something that I am planning to do for a long time. But I also have to think about, “how I am I going to sustain myself while I blog”. I need to eat and pay for necessities. Currently I have a part-time job. This job doesn’t allow me to travel. But with my paycheck I save for my travel and pay for classes. The moment I decide to go on a trip, I would have to quit my job. So when I come back I won’t have a job. There are two things that I am waiting to happen, finish college and quit my job. But I’ll think about that a next year.

Does that makes any sense? I need to re-read that to get it ingrained in my head. It is possible to forget it. I will right it down’t with pen and paper on my planner. The three things that I need to focus on is to keep blogging, gather a large audience and find a site where to sell my stuff. It doesn’t sound to hard to do. But to find the time to work on it is the real challenge here.

So there you have it, another post. Sorry if you were expecting a post about my art supplies and tools. Soon I will tackle that topic. I thought that this post was important and needed to some thorough discussing. The one that needed this post the most was me. So in other words I wrote a post for myself. Some of you might understand a bit more about me and my site. And the things that I am trying to work on.

I am still working away to help some of you who are having difficulties in signing up to my blog. For those who can, give me a like and subscribe. On my site or in any other social media site that I am at. You can go and visit me in at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr ,and on Pinterest. Well I’ll leave now. Be nice to others and have a nice day!

See you all later and take care,

from Ijiserure.